Saturday 21 December 2019

Serious Sports Athletes Turning To CBD for Pain and Inflammation Relief

From three-time PGA Tour champion Scott McCarron to former New England Patriots tight end Rob Gronkowski, athletes are being tapped by CBD producers to grab attention in a global sector projected to be worth an estimated $81.5 billion by 2023, according to Statista.
NEW YORK, N.Y. -- The NFL and NFL Players Association today announced two joint agreements that will support further resources directed to address pain management and behavioral health. First, the NFL and NFLPA will work together to address the challenges of pain management for our current players and work to advance and understand the science in this area to improve potential treatments. The second agreement builds on the substantial player behavioral and mental health care resources available to NFL players with additional programs directed toward education, prevention, and overall behavioral health throughout the league.

Prescription Medication and Pain Management

The NFL and NFLPA will form a Joint Pain Management Committee including medical experts appointed by both the league and union, which will establish uniform standards for club practices and policies regarding pain management and the use of prescription medication by NFL players as well as conduct research concerning pain management and alternative therapies. The Joint Committee will also receive periodic reports from a newly-developed Prescription Drug Monitoring Program that will monitor all prescriptions issued to NFL players by club physicians and unaffiliated physicians. Prior to the start of the 2019 NFL Season, each NFL club must appoint a Pain Management Specialist who possesses certain agreed-upon credentials, including active engagement in pain management as part of his or her medical practice.

Behavioral and Mental Health Care

The NFL and NFLPA will form a Comprehensive Mental Health and Wellness Committee, which will develop educational programs for players, coaches, club personnel and players' family members regarding mental health and wellness. Additionally, the Committee will collaborate with local and national mental health and suicide prevention organizations to reduce stigma related to mental health and promote suicide prevention and awareness. The NFL and NFLPA will also now formally mandate that each team retains a Behavioral Health Team Clinician focused on supporting players' emotional and mental health and well-being. Each Team Clinician must possess certain minimum qualifications and be retained and jointly approved by the NFL and NFLPA by the start of Training Camp for the 2019 season. The Team Clinician is required to be available to players at the team facility for at least 8-12 hours per week, and must, among other responsibilities, conduct mandatory mental health educational sessions for players and coaching staff. The Clinician must also create and conduct team rehearsals of a Mental Health Emergency Action Plan to implement for the upcoming season.
This summer, the NFL and NFLPA will convene sessions with head team physicians, head team internal medicine physicians, head athletic trainers, Behavioral Health Team Clinicians, Pain Management Specialists, and others to discuss the requirements in both agreements, among other topics. Adherence to both agreements is mandatory across all clubs. If you have a health challenge check this out.

Saturday 23 November 2019

Revolutionized breakthrough for the Vitamin and Minerals industry thanks to 10x Pure Technology

Today I am bringing you the most important good news media story of all time. I'm talking about a revolutionary new way to administer Multi-Vitamin & Mineral Supplements direct to your system that will make an immediate difference to you, the end user. Just before I go any further, have you ever noticed when you start taking vitamins that your urine is more yellow with some vitamin brands compared to others, of course you have and what this means is that you may benefit from a different formulation like the one I'm going to tell you about later in my blog.

But first, lets look at what could be turning your pee yellow and examine the most common fillers and binders found in Vitamins, Minerals and dietary Supplements which are purchased on our high streets each and every day.

Here are some common additives and fillers you should look for on supplement and vitamin labels. You want to skip these whenever possible.
One of the top questions I get  is, “How do I pick a good supplement?” I also get the comment, “My mom always says I am just peeing my money out. Is this true?” Or the other question,

“Do I really need to care about additives and fillers in vitamins?”

As someone who has been in the wellness industry for many years, I think it’s great when people ask
me these questions about supplements. Truth is, depending on what company you are supporting with your hard-earned money, you really actually could just be “peeing your money out.” Yes, sad, I know however on the other hand, quality supplements really can be a great way to support your health.

Knowing how to pick a good supplement is key to avoiding wasting your money or to end up taking a supplement that isn’t supporting your health the way you “think” it is. While this can be a bummer to hear at first, don't stress as I am going to share with you the biggest revolutionary breakthrough when it comes to vitamins, minerals and dietary supplements. I'm not just talking about extreme quality but also the advanced delivery technology that encourages a high absorption rate in the body which is the most significant development in modern science. This technology is called 10x pure which is trade marked and carries a global patent. I will explain a little more further on in my blog so keep reading you don't want to miss this.

This is the first part, in a 3-part series that I am going to write about supplements. Today I am going to focus on additives and fillers in vitamins to look for on the label that will prevent absorption of your supplement. Simply put, if you can’t absorb what you are swallowing, there is no point in taking it. I can't emphasise this enough.. Many supplements sold at at major outlets, health shops and pharmacies are NOT able to be absorbed by the body for many reasons as I will discuss below. There is a reason why some supplements is so cheap at these retailers. It’s not designed to make you well. It is designed to get you to buy it and THINK it will make you well. Bright colours also influence your buying decision, just another creative marketing stunt.

Do I think this should be illegal? Sure. But I also don’t want the freedom of buying supplements taken away (seriously, making the FDA fully responsible is the worst thing we could do, so don’t get sucked into believing this is a solution, it’s not! There’s another blog I need to write!).
Education about additives and fillers in vitamins and what makes a quality vitamin is what will make bad companies fail - because consumers won’t by their products. When you take the time to read this series you’ll be more empowered for future supplement purchases. Because if you know what to look for, you will buy a quality supplement. What I am going to introduce you to will pave a pathway for you to increased health and money well spent.


Sugar in all forms is a common additive in low-quality products. If you see sugar added, make sure you KNOW it’s needed in the product. There are exceptions to every rule, but having sugar listed on your zinc, iron, etc. is definitely not needed. The exception would potentially be a powder formula that needs it for taste. But again, sugar is not needed in a general vitamin, mineral, or multi you swallow, especially because it can block micronutrients from being absorbed into the body. High fructose corn syrup contributes to deficiencies in chromium, magnesium, zinc, and copper, while sugar blocks the absorption of vitamin C, calcium and magnesium.

b.    When looking at a label you should not see: cane sugar, corn syrup, cornstarch or solids, fructose, high fructose corn syrup, maltodextrin, sucrose, tapioca syrup, rice syrup, etc. Basically sugar in any form.


These always come in the forms of words you’ve never heard before on a label! They are added for many reasons, including:
Making the pills bigger and easier to grab (but also to subconsciously make them seem more valuable - we have been trained to think that bigger is better),
Making the ingredients stick together
Making the ingredients run more smoothly through the manufacturers machines during processing.  They usually aren’t chosen with a great deal of care and caution for your health.

a.    You don’t want to see on a label: croscarmellose sodium, crospovidone, disodium hydrogen phosphate (DSP), polyvinyl alcohol, shellac, sodium starch glycolate, talc.

Take a look at ingredient lists for any of the following synthetic (artificial) food colouring's (which all sadly are approved by the FDA, just one of the many examples as to why the organization is not the solution to quality control!).

-       FD&C Blue No. 1

-       FD&C Blue No. 2

-       FD&C Green No. 3

-       FD&C Red No. 3

-       FD&C Red No. 40

-       FD&C Yellow No. 5

-       FD&C Yellow No. 6

Do pills really need to be red, blue, or yellow to take them? Um, no. Sadly, colored supplements are pitched as a way to create better compliance, especially among children. However, this is not the main reason companies use artificial colors. It is, in fact, according to the FDA to “offset color loss due to exposure to light, air, temperature extremes, moisture and storage conditions; correct natural variations in color; enhance colors that occur naturally; provide color to colorless and ‘fun’ foods.”

In summary, companies use artificial dyes to cover up a poor-quality product so that you don’t know that its been diminished due to exposure to light, air, temperature, and moisture (all of which degrade vitamins and minerals and make them poor quality.

Worse yet, artificial dyes have been tied to hyperactivity in children. (Source) The evidence for this connection is compelling enough that in Europe it is required to have any product with artificial dyes to contain a bright warning label for parents that states: “May have an adverse effect on activity and attention in children.”

Don’t you think if you were giving something to your child that could make them hyper or creates irrational behavior, you would want the option to say “Yes” or “No” and not have it be a secret?


Ever notice that the tablets you take are shiny? Yeah, not the best thing for absorption. Its shiny because it keeps its shelf life longer, and while this is good for the company’s profits, this is not the best for you. Especially because additives can decrease the solubility, reducing the vitamin’s ability to readily disintegrate and be absorbed by your body.

What type of additives to look out for: MSG, yeast extract, natural flavors, carnuba wax and titanium dioxide. So check your supplements and see if they contain any of these ingredients. This is a great starting point to read the labels and switch to a “better-for-you” option the next time you buy.
 Folks, You can do your own research and I urge you to do just that, go to your medication cupboard, pick a vitamin, mineral or supplement jar and carefully read the label and see whats in them, then google your findings.

Ok the good news story I'm bringing you today is about CTFO "Changing The Future Outcome" a company that has entered the Vitamin, Mineral & Dietary Supplement industry using a trade marked patented delivery technology called 10x pure. This technology was the derivative of studies directly correlated to molecular biology techniques which are common methods used in, biochemistry, genetics and biophysics that involve the manipulation and analysis of DNA, RNA, Proteins and lipids.
Thanks to 10X pure revolutionary breakthrough, it is now possible for pharmaceutical grade supplements to be enriched with a synergistic combination of life enhancing nutrients in their most bio-available form to ensure optimal absorption in the intestine.
Furthermore, what makes CTFO's entrance to the marketplace revolutionary, is their Supercharged oil which is the most exciting new ingredient for optimal vitamin & mineral absorption. Their delivery technology process starts with a logical scientific approach so that each exceptional ingredient is in a compatible form that your body can recognise and take full advantage of. Benefits such as, Immune system support, healthy bones, enhances brain function and cardiovascular system support. Another groundbreaking advancement is the omission of fillers and binders plus these ultimate Vitamins are Gluten Free and doctor formulated.
Effectively, with the 10x pure technology your body will receive a synergistic combination of life enhancing nutrients not  available in most multivitamins on the market today, these includes superior amino acid, Chelated minerals which are used for supporting normal growth, stabilizing bipolar disorder, building strong muscles and bones, and improving your immune system and overall health.

With 10x pure delivery system you will also get the most biologically active form of folate,
otherwise referred to as L-Methylfolate which is the purest form of vitamin B9. B9 is essential for mood and cognitive behavior together with overall brain and body health BUT also B9 supports cardiovascular health and cognitive health.
But wait there's more, as part of the synergistic combination you also get Vitamin K2 as MK4 and MK7. Most people have never heard of vitamin K2. This vitamin is rare in the Western diet and hasn't received much mainstream attention, However, this a powerful nutrient and plays an essential role in many aspects of your health. In fact, vitamin K2 may be the missing link between diet and several chronic diseases.

Also included in the 10x pure multi vitamin & mineral supplement is Vitamin B12  which works synergistic-ally with folate in the brain. For those of you not aware of the benefits of Vitamin B12, it plays an important role in helping your body make red blood cells which in turn transports oxygen and removes carbon dioxide from your body transporting it to your lungs for you to exhale. If you are low in vitamin B12, you may feel weak, have less energy and experience slow thinking, you could also experience numbness or tingling in the fingers and toes.

In conclusion, CTFO brings you a revolutionary "doctor formulated" new ultimate Vitamin and
mineral supplement with 23 exceptional ingredients delivered in a combined science-based formulation utilizing the 10xPURE™ patented delivery technology.  It,s simple, without this technology, penetration and absorption of the key ingredients and nutrients would go to waste hence potency would be reduced.
As a thank you for reading this blog, I am going to provide you with a link below that will qualify you TODAY for a healthy discount and just when you think it cant get any better your wrong. Having tried the product, if you are not 100% satisfied you can get a full 60 day refund, no questions asked, simply send back the empty bottle.

To close: The global dietary supplement market size is projected to reach nearly 195 billion by 2025, that's according to a new report by Grand View Research, Inc.

With that said, have you any idea how much of that marketplace CTFO will capture as it introduces their 10x Pure trade marked global patented technology across the full spectrum of all Vitamins, Minerals & Dietary Supplements. The answer is "a very large percentage" but guess what, they wont be doing this by paying millions of advertising dollars to TV Stations, Radio Stations, News and Media outlets, NO, the fact is they don't advertise at all. CTFO right now will give you your own personal website 100% free of charge so that you can share their revolutionary products with your friends and family and when you do they will pay you. Its called friendship marketing "friends sharing with friends"

CTFO's motto is simple, why spend millions on advertising when they can pay you and I for helping others. Remember nothing to lose and everything to gain with a full 60 day money back guarantee.
Right now, We are actively looking to appoint distributors in nearly 30 countries and once appointed they will get team and company support to ensure their financial success as well as learning to live in a healthier mind and body.  If you would like a slice of this 195 billion dollar industry I urge you sign up for your free website today and get familiar with all our life changing products. Remember, Your success is our success, so come and join us, be in business for yourself but not by yourself. To register for your free website and claim your discount today.
I'm curious and want to know more, That's OK